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New Generation HVL Hydrovar

The new Hydrovar is the solution for high level installations requiring failsafe systems with a superior range of features. Its unique modular design needs no additional master control and enables virtually any configuration of pumps : up to 8 master drives.Modularity also offers a cost-effective solution for low-level , reduced feature demands.
Advantage: The new Hydrovar concept allows more flexibility and cost savings. Just pay for what you really need.
Versions available :Master, Multicontroller.
Easy to integrate into BMS Systems Modbus communication is included as standard. Improved software structure and programming even in difficult installations.
Retrofitting is possible on all existing standard asynchronous motors ,which are suitable for VFD operation.Constant system pressure in water supply and booster stations. Control along system curve for circulation pumps for the HVAC markets. Longer maintenance intervals because of less stress to pumps and motors.



£2,366.00 (exc. VAT at 20%)